
Artificial intelligence (AI) glossary: 30 must-know buzzwords

Khoros Staff

In today's fast-paced world of information and technology, buzzwords are abundant, making it challenging to keep up with the latest trends and terminologies. This holds true for artificial intelligence (AI) and automation as well.

To demystify the jargon surrounding AI and automation, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to the must-know terms. Bear in mind that these enhancements, implementation, and benefits can vary based on organizational infrastructure, goals, and budget.

Whether you're a contact center leader seeking ways to enhance customer experiences or a decision-maker exploring the potential of AI and automation, this glossary will equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate the AI and automation buzzword maze.

Here’s an easy-to-understand explanation of thirty AI and automation terms, with a link to resources to learn more about each.

1. A/B testing

Also known as split testing, teams use a method to compare two versions of a webpage, email, or other marketing elements to determine which one performs better in terms of user engagement, conversions, or other desired metrics.

  • What it means for customers: A/B testing provides valuable insights and data-driven decision-making. It allows teams to understand what elements or changes positively impact customer behavior to adjust strategies accordingly. By testing different variations, teams can identify the most effective design, messaging, layout, or functionality that resonates with customers and drives desired actions. This helps teams make informed decisions, improve conversion rates, and enhance the overall effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

  • What it means for teams: It enables teams to identify and implement changes that result in more relevant content, an improved user experience, and higher engagement. By enhancing webpages, emails, or other customer touchpoints through A/B testing, teams can deliver customers a more personalized, user-friendly, and practical experience.

2. Agent assist

Enhances the capabilities of customer support teams through AI and automation, empowering agents to interact with customers as ‘virtual technicians.’ The AI-powered tools and technologies assist customer support agents during customer interactions.

  • What it means for customers: Agent assist benefits customers by providing faster response times, ensuring consistent and reliable information, offering personalized assistance based on customer data, and improving issue resolution through real-time access to relevant information and suggested solutions.

  • What it means for teams: Agent assist increases efficiency and productivity through task automation, real-time suggestions, and access to relevant information. These tools enhance knowledge by providing agents with a comprehensive database of product details and troubleshooting guides. They also support training and onboarding by offering suggested responses and best practices. Additionally, Agent assist tools contributes to quality assurance by analyzing conversations, providing feedback, and facilitating ongoing improvement in communication skills and adherence to guidelines.

3. AI virtual assistant

Also referred to as an AI assistant or digital assistant, this is a more advanced form of a chatbot that can understand natural language, engage in contextual conversations, and perform tasks for the user. Virtual assistants offer personalized support, streamlined customer interactions, and enhanced self-service options.

  • What it means for customers: AI virtual assistants offer 24/7 support, ensuring instant responses and assistance at any time, which reduces response times and enhances accessibility. These virtual assistants leverage customer data to deliver personalized experiences, providing tailored recommendations and customized interactions. They also facilitate quick resolution by troubleshooting common problems and guiding customers through self-service options. Additionally, AI virtual assistants ensure consistent service by eliminating human errors and inconsistencies, resulting in a reliable and cohesive customer experience.

  • What it means for teams: Enhance efficiency by automating repetitive tasks, allowing teams to focus on more strategic activities and boosting overall productivity. These assistants also facilitate seamless collaboration by providing quick access to information, managing assignments, scheduling meetings, streamlining workflows, and improving team efficiency. With the ability to analyze data and generate insights, AI virtual assistants contribute to improved decision-making, empowering teams to make informed choices based on relevant information. Furthermore, these virtual assistants augment team skills by providing specialized knowledge and capabilities, such as complex calculations, language translation, and customer data analysis, expanding the team's overall expertise.

4. Artificial intelligence (AI)

AI is the simulation of human intelligence in machines that can perform learning, problem-solving, and decision-making tasks. AI enables automated customer interactions, personalized recommendations, and more efficient handling of customer queries in digital channels.

  • What it means for customers: Businesses can deliver tailored experiences to customers, including personalized recommendations, customized content, and interactions that cater to individual preferences. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants ensure efficient customer service, providing immediate assistance and round-the-clock support, reducing wait times, and delivering exceptional responsiveness. AI-driven automation streamlines customer processes, making them faster and more convenient, from automated self-service options to seamless transactions. Additionally, AI empowers customers with accurate and relevant information, aiding their decision-making process by offering product comparisons, personalized recommendations, and real-time insights, enabling them to make well-informed choices.

  • What it means for teams: AI enhances team efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and processes, freeing up valuable time, and providing resources to focus on more strategic and complex work. AI also enables teams to harness the power of data by analyzing vast amounts of information and extracting valuable insights, leading to data-driven decision-making and improved problem-solving capabilities. Moreover, AI algorithms have a strategic high level of accuracy in data processing, reducing errors and enhancing the quality of outputs. With AI's augmentation of human capabilities through intelligent recommendations and process automation, teams can perform tasks more effectively, accomplish more in less time, and drive innovation.

5. Augmented reality (AR)

Technology such as smartphone cameras and wearable devices enhances the customer experience by overlaying digital visual elements, sound, or other sensory stimuli over the real world. AR provides a more immersive and engaging experience than one would experience otherwise.

  • What it means for customers: By leveraging AR, customers can visualize products in their natural environment before purchasing, enabling them to make more informed decisions and reducing uncertainty. AR also provides interactive and engaging experiences through apps, unlocking additional content, product information, or gamified elements that make the brand experience more immersive and memorable. Moreover, AR offers guided instructions, assisting customers with step-by-step overlays or animations for tasks like assembling products or performing maintenance, empowering self-service capabilities, and minimizing the need for external assistance. Additionally, in industries such as fashion and cosmetics, AR enables virtual try-on experiences, allowing customers to virtually try on clothing or makeup using their device's camera, enhancing the online shopping experience and building confidence in their purchase decisions.

  • What it means for teams: With AR, teams can visualize and interact with 3D models, data, and instructions in real-time, enhancing communication and decision-making. AR also facilitates remote assistance, allowing experts to provide real-time guidance and support to teams through AR-enabled devices, minimizing downtime and increasing efficiency. Furthermore, AR enables immersive training and simulations, offering hands-on learning experiences that improve skill development and reduce the need for physical resources, making training more accessible and cost-effective.

6. Chatbot

An AI-powered conversational agent is a computer program that simulates human conversation through text or voice interactions. It utilizes artificial intelligence and natural language processing technologies to understand user queries, provide responses, and engage in interactive discussions. Chatbots are known to improve response times, handle routine inquiries, and enhance customer engagement across customer interaction touchpoints.

  • What it means for customers: A chatbot for customers serves as a virtual customer service representative, providing support, answering inquiries, offering product recommendations, assisting with transactions, and addressing customer concerns. A customer-facing chatbot aims to enhance customer experiences, provide quick and accurate responses, and offer self-service options to improve overall customer satisfaction.

  • What it means for teams: A chatbot for teams refers to a chatbot designed to assist internal teams. It acts as a virtual assistant, providing support and automating tasks to enhance team productivity and efficiency. A chatbot for teams can help with tasks such as answering common employee queries, providing information, assisting with onboarding processes, managing workflows, and facilitating collaboration among team members.

Both chatbots, whether for teams or customers, leverage artificial intelligence and natural language processing to understand and respond to queries. They can operate through various channels, such as websites, messaging platforms, or mobile applications, providing efficient and personalized assistance based on predefined rules or through machine learning algorithms.

7. Customer relationship management (CRM)

CRM is a technology that centralizes customer records, serving as a unified source of information for all departments. Integrating generative AI with CRM can amplify its capabilities, enabling personalized content generation such as pre-written emails for sales teams, product descriptions generated from images, targeted landing pages for marketing campaigns, contextually relevant customer service ticket responses, and other valuable functionalities. This integration harnesses the power of AI to enhance CRM's potential and deliver tailored experiences across various customer touchpoints.

  • What it means for customers: The CRM with generative AI integration allows for a more consistent, personalized, and tailored experience throughout the customer journey. Although customers do not see CRM, they experience a seamless experience through generated content, recommendations, and offers that align with their preferences and need.

  • What it means for teams: By combining the power of CRM data and generative AI capabilities, teams gain enhanced insights into customer preferences, behaviors, and needs. Generative AI can generate personalized content and recommendations based on CRM data, empowering teams to deliver highly tailored customer experiences. It streamlines workflows by automating repetitive tasks, allowing teams to focus on high-value activities like building customer relationships and providing proactive support. With CRM and generative AI working together, teams can drive efficiency, improve collaboration, and ultimately deliver exceptional customer experiences at scale — imagine effortlessly translating your lead-generation marketing campaigns to reach your top global regions or suggested customer service responses to assist agents with faster resolutions.

8. Cognitive computing

Cognitive computing is an AI technology miming human cognitive abilities, including reasoning, learning, and problem-solving. Cognitive computing helps organizations analyze complex customer data, personalize experiences, and deliver relevant content on social media platforms.

  • What it means for customers: With a deep understanding of customer preferences and behaviors, organizations can create highly tailored experiences across every engagement touchpoint. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants equipped with cognitive capabilities provide instant support, guiding customers through self-service options and resolving queries faster. Furthermore, natural language processing enables more intuitive and conversational interactions, making it easier for customers to engage with brands and obtain the information they seek, resulting in a seamless and satisfying customer experience.

  • What it means for teams: By leveraging artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics, teams can analyze vast amounts of data to uncover valuable insights, enabling informed decision-making and agile responses to customer needs. Cognitive computing also automates repetitive tasks, freeing team members to focus on strategic initiatives and value-added activities. With intelligent assistants and knowledge augmentation, teams have instant access to expert information and recommendations, enabling them to deliver faster and more accurate responses to customer inquiries.

9. Conversational artificial intelligence (AI)

AI technologies enable computers and software systems to engage in human-like conversations. It focuses on creating interactive and dynamic interactions between humans and machines, typically through chatbots, virtual assistants, or voice-based interfaces.

  • What it means for customers: Customers can engage in natural language conversations with chatbots, virtual assistants, and voice-enabled systems. Conversational AI understands customer needs, provides instant responses, and offers tailored recommendations. It enables 24/7 support, self-service options, and quick issue resolution. Conversational AI empowers customers with convenience, responsiveness, and personalized assistance, enhancing their satisfaction, engagement, and overall experience with the brand.

  • What it means for teams: Conversational AI revolutionizes team interactions by automating and enhancing communication processes. It enables teams to handle customer inquiries, support requests, and information retrieval efficiently and accurately. Conversational AI systems can act as virtual assistants, routing queries to the right team members, providing real-time information, and automating routine tasks. This improves team productivity and enables them to focus on high-value activities, collaborate seamlessly, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

10. Deep learning

Deep learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence that enables computers to excel in recognizing intricate patterns in data. It emulates the human brain's functioning through multiple neural network layers representing specific patterns. By leveraging these learned patterns, deep learning allows for accurate predictions. This technology finds practical applications in areas such as image recognition, speech processing, and comprehending natural language, driving advancements in these domains.

  • What it means for customers: Deep learning-powered CRMs can uncover patterns to make personalized recommendations, leading to more relevant and tailored experiences, as well as helping automate processes, resulting in faster response times and improved customer service. Deep learning ultimately enhances the customer journey, fostering a smoother and more gratifying experience while opening doors for proactive engagement.

  • What it means for teams: Deep learning provides a powerful tool for solving complex problems and making accurate predictions. It enables teams to extract valuable insights, automate tasks, and improve decision-making processes.

11. Generative AI

Generative AI uses artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to generate new content that resembles human-created content. It involves training models on large datasets to learn patterns and develop new data, such as text, images, or videos.

  • What it means for customers: It helps customers discover new products, make informed decisions, and enhance their satisfaction. It can contribute to creating visually captivating content that grabs attention and improves engagement. Customers can engage with more targeted content, precisely providing what they need.

  • What it means for teams: Teams can swiftly generate diverse content options and experiment with multiple approaches using simulated data sets. Teams are empowered to optimize their strategies, fine-tune messaging, and enhance targeting accuracy before implementing them in the market. With generative AI, teams can streamline the creative process, iterate efficiently, and make informed decisions based on data, leading to highly effective and impactful marketing campaigns and sales strategies.

12. Generator

A generator is an AI-powered software tool that generates new content based on a given request or input. Learning from provided training data produces further information that mimics the patterns and characteristics found in the data. An example of a popular text-based generator is ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI. However, there are a variety of AI-powered generators for different use cases that output text, images, video, audio, and more.

  • What it means for customers: By leveraging generators, AI chatbots can continuously improve and offer more valuable content by learning from genuine customer interactions.

  • What it means for teams: Generators play a crucial role in creating real datasets for testing and training. They empower teams to proactively address system issues and bugs, allowing for a seamless live deployment. Additionally, generators facilitate efficient onboarding for new team members by providing simulated data, minimizing the impact on actual operational data. With generators, teams can ensure smooth operations and optimal performance while maintaining data integrity.

13. Generative pre-trained transformer (GPT)

GPT refers to a group of neural network models designed to produce content. GPT models undergo pre-training on extensive text data, enabling them to generate coherent and pertinent text in response to user prompts or queries. Various industries leverage GPT models and generative AI for Q&A bots, text summarization, content creation, and search capabilities.

  • What it means for customers: Customers benefit from a more tailored experience and personalized interactions with your company.

  • What it means for teams: Teams can automate customer-facing content at scale, analyze customer feedback and extract insights.

14. Hyper-personalization

It involves leveraging data, analytics, AI, and automation to deliver highly customized and individualized customer experiences. Hyper-personalization can enhance customer satisfaction, build brand loyalty, and drive engagement.

  • What it means for customers: This represents a significant shift from generic and mass-targeted experiences to highly customized and tailored interactions that cater to specific interests. Customers receive personalized product recommendations, tailored content, and relevant offers that align with their needs and preferences. This approach helps to save time, reducing information overload and guaranteeing relevance. With hyper-personalization, customers enjoy a more seamless, enjoyable journey across touchpoints, resulting in a higher level of engagement and ultimately leading to increased customer loyalty and advocacy.

  • What it means for teams: It involves leveraging advanced data analytics, AI algorithms, and customer insights to understand customers on a granular level to provide personalized recommendations, offers, and interactions. Teams are empowered to create meaningful customer connections, increase engagement, and drive customer loyalty.

15. Intelligent automation (IA)

Sometimes called cognitive automation, IA uses automation technologies — such as artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA) — to streamline and scale decision-making. Leveraging AI and RPA helps automate manual processes and tasks such as data entry, content moderation, and customer inquiries. Automation can increase productivity, enable 24/7 customer support, and enhance customer experiences.

  • What it means for customers: Organizations can provide faster response times, personalized interactions, and proactive support. Intelligent automation enables self-service options, such as chatbots and virtual assistants, allowing customers to get instant answers to their queries and access information conveniently. Intelligence automation empowers organizations to deliver efficient, personalized, and frictionless customer experiences, enhancing customer engagement and fostering loyalty.

  • What it means for teams: IA helps streamline repetitive and mundane tasks, allowing employees to focus on more complex and strategic activities. Teams can achieve higher productivity, improved accuracy, reduced errors, and faster turnaround times. While enabling teams to access real-time insights and make data-driven decisions, leading to more informed actions and enhanced overall performance.

16. Intelligent virtual agent (IVA)

An AI-powered software or virtual assistant that can handle complex customer queries and tasks autonomously. IVA often needs clarification with chatbots; however, IVAs are considerably more advanced than regular chatbots and can engage with customers more conversationally.

  • What it means for customers: IVAs provide 24/7 availability, allowing customers to seek assistance at any time without the constraints of human agent availability. This tool can provide immediate responses, reduce wait times and suggest quick resolutions to common queries or issues. This results in a seamless and efficient customer experience, where customers can promptly get the support they need, increasing satisfaction and fostering positive brand interactions.

  • What it means for teams: This advanced AI-powered solution can handle a wide range of customer interactions, reducing the workload on human agents. IVAs can handle routine and repetitive tasks, provide instant responses, and even resolve complex issues. This frees time and resources to focus on more strategic and value-added activities and improves efficiency and productivity. IVAs can offer continuous learning capabilities, gathering data from interactions and feedback to enhance performance over time, ensuring teams have an intelligent and reliable tool to support their customer engagement efforts.

17. Internet of Things (IoT)

Physical devices that connect to the internet enable data collection, exchange, and automation.

  • What it means for customers: This has revolutionized the customer experience by seamlessly connecting various devices and creating an innovative, interconnected environment. For example, smart home devices enable customers to control and automate their homes, providing comfort and convenience. IoT-powered wearable devices track health and fitness metrics, empowering customers to monitor and improve their well-being. IoT can enhance safety and security through connected surveillance systems and smart locks. IoT enhances the customer experience by offering intelligent, intuitive, and tailored solutions that simplify daily routines, provide valuable insights, and improve quality of life.

  • What it means for teams: Enables teams to gather and analyze vast amounts of real-time data from interconnected devices. Teams can leverage IoT technology to gain valuable insights into operations, performance, and customer behavior. This data-driven approach allows for informed decisions, improved efficiency, streamlined processes, and proactively addressing issues. Teams can enhance collaboration, optimize resource allocation, and drive innovation, leading to increased productivity and better outcomes.

18. Knowledge management (KM)

KM is the systematic process of capturing, organizing, storing, and sharing knowledge within an organization to support customer interactions. Proper knowledge management ensures information remains consistent and accurate and can play into improved response times and enhanced self-service options.

  • What it means for customers: It ensures that customers receive consistent and up-to-date information across different touchpoints. KM enables self-service options where customers can find answers to their questions or troubleshoot issues independently. It also allows companies to identify and proactively address common customer pain points, creating a more seamless and positive customer experience.

  • What it means for teams: Team members can access and contribute to a centralized repository of information, best practices, and expertise, equipping them with the collective wisdom and resources they need to excel in their work. Teams are empowered to collaborate more efficiently and make informed decisions that avoid duplicating efforts. It fosters knowledge sharing, encourages learning, and promotes a culture of continuous improvement.

19. Machine learning (ML)

Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence focused on developing algorithms and models that enable computers to learn and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. ML has applications in various domains, including image and speech recognition, natural language processing, recommendation systems, fraud detection, and more.

ML can help analyze social media data to understand customer sentiment, optimize content, and provide targeted messaging across digital platforms.

  • What it means for customers: By leveraging ML, organizations can better understand customer needs and behaviors, anticipate their preferences, and deliver relevant and engaging experiences. This ultimately leads to improved customer satisfaction, loyalty, and a more seamless and personalized customer journey.

  • What it means for teams: ML empowers teams to gain valuable insights, streamline processes, and improve efficiency. It also frees up time and resources to focus on higher-value tasks that require human creativity and problem-solving skills. Ultimately, teams are equipped with tools that enhance productivity, drive innovation, and deliver superior outcomes.

20. Natural language processing (NLP)

NLP is a branch of artificial intelligence focusing on the interaction between computers and human language. It involves understanding, interpreting, and generating human language meaningfully and contextually relevantly. This consists in analyzing large amounts of textual data, extracting information, identifying patterns, and deriving insights. It has applications in various domains, including sentiment analysis, language translation, chatbots, voice assistants, and information retrieval. It significantly improves how humans interact with technology and enables more effective communication and understanding.

  • What it means for customers: With NLP, customers can engage with brands using natural language, whether through chatbots, virtual assistants, or voice-enabled systems. NLP helps understand and interpret customer queries and intents accurately, leading to quicker and more accurate responses through personalized recommendations, tailored content, and efficient self-service options. Ultimately, NLP empowers brands to deliver more engaging, efficient, customized customer experiences.

  • What it means for teams: With NLP, teams can extract meaningful information and insights from unstructured text data, such as customer feedback, social media posts, and support tickets. It also helps to facilitate the understanding of customer intents, enabling teams to improve response times, streamline workflows, and deliver more personalized and relevant interactions.

21. Predictive analytics

Predictive analytics leverages historical data, statistical algorithms, and machine learning to predict and forecast future outcomes. Analyzing data patterns, correlations, and trends identifies potential future events or behavior. It finds extensive application across industries, enhancing strategic planning, operational efficiency, risk mitigation, and personalized customer experiences.

  • What it means for customers: It helps create a smoother, more tailored, and customer-centric experience, increasing customer satisfaction and fostering long-term relationships.

  • What it means for teams: By analyzing patterns and relationships within the data, teams can make informed decisions, anticipate customer needs, and proactively address potential challenges. For example, a retail team can use predictive analytics to analyze past sales data, customer preferences, and market trends to forecast future product demand. This helps them adjust inventory levels, ensure the availability of popular items, and improve supply chain efficiency. By understanding customer buying patterns and preferences, teams can personalize campaigns, target specific segments, and deliver tailored promotions, enhancing customer engagement and driving sales growth.

22. Real-time analytics

Real-time analytics refers to collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data in real-time or near real-time, allowing organizations to gain immediate insights and make informed decisions. It involves monitoring data streams, detecting patterns, and extracting meaningful information as it happens, enabling timely actions and responses.

  • What it means for customers: Real-time analytics significantly impacts customers by enabling brands to provide a more personalized and seamless experience. Customers benefit from faster response times, proactive issue resolution, and relevant content, resulting in enhanced satisfaction, increased loyalty, and a sense of being valued as individuals.

  • What it means for teams: Real-time analytics empowers teams with actionable insights and the ability to make informed decisions promptly. Teams can monitor key real-time metrics, such as customer engagement, sentiment, and behavior. This enables them to identify emerging trends, detect anomalies, and address issues promptly. With access to up-to-the-minute information, teams can enhance operational efficiency, improve decision-making, and deliver exceptional customer experiences across various touchpoints.

23. Robotic process automation (RPA)

RPA refers to using software robots or bots to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks within business processes. This technology mimics human interactions, performing tasks such as data entry, manipulation, file transfers, etc. It enables organizations to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and free up human resources for higher-value activities.

  • What it means for customers: Customers experience faster response times, quicker processing of requests, and more efficient handling of their inquiries. RPA also enables organizations to maintain consistency and compliance in processes, leading to a more seamless and reliable customer experience.

  • What it means for teams: RPA takes over repetitive and mundane tasks, allowing team members to focus on more strategic and value-added activities. This enhances job satisfaction and improves overall team efficiency and performance. RPA can be integrated with existing systems and applications, enabling teams to automate end-to-end processes, streamline workflows, and achieve faster turnaround times. Groups can also allocate their time and resources more effectively, leading to improved service delivery and customer satisfaction.

24. Self-service

AI-powered self-service uses artificial intelligence technologies like chatbots and virtual assistants to enable customers to find information, resolve queries, and perform tasks independently without human intervention.

  • What it means for customers: AI-powered self-service provides convenient and instant access to information and support. They can interact with AI-driven chatbots or virtual assistants to find answers to their questions, receive step-by-step guidance, and perform self-service tasks. AI technologies enable these self-service solutions to understand and respond to customer queries accurately, improving the speed and accuracy of issue resolution. Customers benefit from 24/7 availability, reduced wait times, and the ability to access self-service options through various channels.

  • What it means for teams: By automating routine customer inquiries and tasks, teams can focus on handling more complex or high-value interactions. AI-powered self-service solutions can handle a large volume of requests simultaneously, reducing the workload on human agents. This improves team productivity and enables them to provide proactive support and personalized customer experiences.

25. Sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis, also known as opinion mining, is a technique used to analyze and interpret the emotions, attitudes, and opinions expressed in textual data. It involves leveraging natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to determine the sentiment or, in other words, the emotional tone associated with a particular piece of text, such as customer reviews, social media posts, or survey responses.

  • What it means for customers: Customers can offer feedback through new channels, leading to more informed decisions from the companies they interact with.

  • What it means for teams: Sentiment analysis can deliver more targeted marketing campaigns, optimize customer support efforts, and make data-driven decisions to inform brand reputation and management.

26. Social listening

Social listening refers to monitoring and analyzing conversations and discussions across social media platforms on a macro level. It involves tracking brand mentions, keywords, hashtags, and relevant topics to gain insights into customer opinions, preferences, and trends about your brand, product, industry, and competitors.

  • What it means for customers: Customers can voice their opinions, participate in discussions, and influence brand decisions.

  • What it means for teams: Teams are empowered with valuable information to make data-driven decisions, develop targeted marketing campaigns, and apply actionable insights to long-term strategies. It also helps teams stay updated on industry trends, gather competitive intelligence, and better understand their target audience.

27. Social media monitoring

Social monitoring involves actively tracking and observing social media channels, online communities, and digital platforms to gain insights into brand mentions, customer interactions, and overall online sentiment on a micro level. It focuses on monitoring specific metrics to understand the perception of an organization's brand or product and helps it stay informed, engage with customers, and manage its online reputation effectively.

  • What it means for customers: Customers can express their opinions, feedback, and experiences related to a brand or product.

  • What it means for teams: Teams can make informed decisions, refine marketing strategies, and tailor their offerings based on customer needs and preferences. It also enables teams to proactively detect and address potential issues or crises, maintain brand reputation, and identify opportunities for engagement or collaboration. Social monitoring allows customers to feel heard, valued, and connected to the brand, fostering stronger relationships and enhancing overall customer satisfaction.

28. Speech recognition

Speech recognition is a technology that converts spoken language into written text. It utilizes algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze and interpret audio signals, transforming them into transcriptions or commands that computers can process. In recent years, speech recognition has seen significant advancements, enabling applications such as voice-controlled assistants, transcription services, and voice-enabled systems.

  • What it means for customers: Speech recognition provides customers with the ability to interact with devices, applications, and services using their voice, offering a more natural and convenient user experience. It enables hands-free control, allowing users to perform tasks, make requests, and access information simply by speaking. This technology enhances accessibility and inclusivity, helping individuals with disabilities or those who prefer voice interactions to engage with technology more effectively.

  • What it means for teams: Speech recognition can automate processes that involve audio content, such as transcription services, call center operations, and voice-enabled applications. Team productivity is enhanced by enabling efficient voice-to-text conversion and reducing the need for manual transcription. It facilitates the analysis of spoken data, allowing the teams to derive insights, improve customer interactions, and develop voice-driven applications. By leveraging speech recognition, teams can streamline workflows, enhance data analysis, and deliver innovative solutions that improve operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

29. Transformer

Transformers are a type of deep learning model that excels in processing language and understanding contextual relationships between words in a sentence. Unlike traditional models focusing on individual data points, transformers leverage sequential data to generate outputs, making them highly effective in tasks involving ongoing conversations or text with context.

  • What it means for customers: Transformers enable more accurate and nuanced language processing, leading to improved machine translation, sentiment analysis, and natural language understanding. Transformers enhance the quality of automated chatbots and virtual assistants, enabling more human-like and context-aware conversations. This empowers customers with better self-service options, faster responses, and a more personalized experience when engaging with AI-powered language applications.

  • What it means for teams: Transformers enable teams to develop sophisticated language models that can automate tasks like language translation, content generation, and information extraction. Team efficiency is enhanced by automating repetitive language-related tasks and freeing time for more complex and value-added activities. By leveraging transformers, teams can improve their natural language processing applications, enhance data analysis, and gain deeper insights, leading to more impactful customer engagements.

30. Voice artificial intelligence (Voice AI)

Voice AI is the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to analyze, interpret, and respond to human speech. It encompasses various techniques, such as speech recognition, natural language processing, and voice synthesis, to enable machines to understand and interact with users through spoken language. Voice AI has revolutionized how we engage with technology, enabling voice-enabled devices, virtual assistants, and voice-driven applications.

  • What it means for customers: Voice AI offers customers a more intuitive and natural way to interact with technology. It enables hands-free and voice-controlled experiences, allowing users to perform tasks, ask questions, and receive information through spoken commands. It can enhance convenience, accessibility, and user experience, making technology more inclusive and user-friendly for many individuals.

  • What it means for teams: Voice AI enhances team productivity by reducing the need for manual data entry and enabling more efficient voice-driven workflows. It also allows teams to gather valuable insights from voice interactions, such as customer sentiment and preferences, to tailor their services and enhance the overall customer experience. By leveraging Voice AI, teams can deliver more personalized, efficient, and innovative solutions, ultimately driving customer satisfaction and team effectiveness.

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These “buzzwords” provide numerous benefits for enhancing digital customer engagement strategies across all customer interaction touchpoints with AI and automation. However, familiarity with these AI and automation terms is just the starting point; your next step is using that knowledge to implement enhancements within your organization.

Khoros plays a vital role in helping brands modernize their approach by offering a comprehensive AI and automation solution. By leveraging technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, sentiment analysis, chatbots, voice AI, and more, Khoros empowers brands to optimize customer support, create personalized experiences, streamline processes, and gain valuable insights.

With Khoros as a partner, brands can effectively adapt to the digital landscape, deliver exceptional customer experiences across all channels, and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of customer engagement.

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