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Patrick herning

CX Confessions | Episode 1


The Leading Lady: Phenomenal CX Through Personification

How do you talk about your customers when they’re not around? Well, if you want to deliver phenomenal experiences, act like they’re in the room.

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In this episode, we discuss:

  • Why it’s OK to be polarizing
  • Why you should speak about your customer as though they’re in the room
  • Why criticism and praise should both be taken with a grain of salt
Patrick herning

Meet Patrick Herning,

Founder and CEO of 11 Honoré

That’s how Patrick Herning is providing incredible CX as Founder and CEO of 11 Honoré, the fashion brand offering high-end designer options to a plus-sized segment who have never been offered it before.

Our customer is the leading lady.

— Patrick Herning

We set out to offer our customer a designer product that historically had never been offered to her before.

— Patrick Herning

You’ve gotta take all the comments with a grain of salt — and that includes the praise.

— Patrick Herning

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