3 Secrets to Exceeding Customer Experience Expectations

In this checklist, you’ll learn exactly how your brand can deliver excellent customer experiences.

Today’s customers have higher expectations than ever before. Every brand today knows that. Some think they are meeting, or even exceeding customer expectations. However, most are not. To make their customers happy, brands must deliver an exceptional customer experience. Khoros commissioned Forrester Consulting to survey 1,042 adult consumers and 227 marketing and customer care decision makers at B2C enterprises in the U.S. and Europe to learn what customers really want, and how well brands are delivering it. The report found that a great divide exists between brands and their customers, across the customer journey. For example:

  • Non-personalized marketing messages are sent to customers twice as often as brands think.
  • Robotic, unhelpful answers are given to customers twice as often as brands think.
  • Customers are three times more likely to leave after bad service than brands think.

The divide is clear, but how can your brand start bridging it? In this checklist, we cover the three secrets to improve your customer experience — unifying departments, serving customers where they are, and delivering great engagement at scale with technology — along with actionable strategies for your brand. Although customers expect a lot from brands, they will also reward them greatly for their efforts. In fact, 68% will spend more money with a brand that knows them and treats them like an individual.

Some of the action items in this checklist include:

  • Monitor all of the social media channels your brand is active on, to find opportunities to “surprise and delight” customers or prospects.
  • Resolve customer issues within the same channel they used to reach out.
  • Report and analyze digital customer engagement across channels, including CSAT/NPS.
  • Keep good records of every interaction. Ideally, records should also be integrated bi-directionally to your CRM.
  • Schedule regular cross-department meetings to share customer feedback.

Download the checklist now to take a look at all of the ways your brand can deliver customer experiences that provide lasting value.

Download the checklist

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