
Together at last: Paid and organic LinkedIn results, all in one place

Christy Kirby, Product Marketing Manager

Khoros Marketing now supports LinkedIn ads visibility, in addition to ads visibility on Facebook and Instagram. This means a more holistic, efficient, and effective approach to social media marketing for your organization.

If you’re a social media marketer at an enterprise or corporation, you’re aware of just how vital LinkedIn metrics are to your operation. You need a comprehensive, platform-specific strategy to drive new leads and retain existing customers who primarily use LinkedIn. And this doesn’t just mean posting thought leadership and company updates on your organic page (although that is important as well). It also means incorporating paid LinkedIn ads into your social media strategy.

Khoros Marketing

Our latest integration can help your brand succeed on social media in three important ways: governance, efficiency, and insights.


Especially in today’s atmosphere on social media, governance is crucial. One misstep or faux pas can cause a PR nightmare for your brand. Of course, there is an upside to this trend as well: brands that do it right on social media — those who really understand the trends — can reap massive benefits not just in terms of engagement, but also business outcomes. Now, with LinkedIn ads visibility in the Khoros Marketing solution, you’ll be able to closely monitor, moderate, and adjust every campaign in every ad account you have.

Full LinkedIn campaign visibility

Each campaign and LinkedIn ad will show up in your calendar view within the Khoros Marketing platform. You can also view all campaign analytics in marketing dashboards or “Marketing Exports” to analyze performance data and track results in one place.

The calendar view in Khoros Marketing
The calendar view in Khoros Marketing

This is particularly useful if you work with an external agency to run some (or all) of your LinkedIn ads; you’ll still be able to track total ad spend as well as campaign performance. What’s more, you can even create custom metrics to track ad performance based on your brand’s specific needs and goals. And if you need help figuring out which metrics to track, our Strategic Services team will partner with you to make sure you’re squeezing as much as you can out of the Khoros Marketing solution.

Khoros | Strategic Services

Everything in moderation

Khoros Marketing now allows social media managers to moderate comments on LinkedIn ads without ever leaving the platform. This includes both direct LinkedIn Sponsored Content (dark posts) and Sponsored Content (promoted organic posts), all pulled into a single queue where they can be consistently labeled and addressed by your team as part of your existing approval workflows.

Khoros Marketing can track user sentiment in comments on paid ads
Khoros Marketing can track user sentiment in comments on paid ads

This eliminates the need to manually keep track of all of the permalinks for your dark posts in order to monitor for new comments while your campaigns are running, saving your team valuable time. The moderation feature is also particularly critical if you’re working in regulated industries that have additional legal hurdles to manage. For instance, if you’re in a regulated industry, such as insurance, and need to ensure you can view and document every customer engagement, whether on a sponsored or organic post, Khoros Marketing streamlines your process and protects your brand.

Editing to improve LinkedIn advertising performance

Perhaps most importantly, the new LinkedIn ads visibility allows you to edit ads directly from the Khoros Marketing platform before they go live. This means you can fix an issue — for instance, failure to comply with a regulation or brand guideline — as soon as you see it. With social media moving at the speed it does, this time saved is incredibly valuable, and can save your brand from a crisis.

Of course, even with an excellent LinkedIn analytics tool, there’s never a 100% guarantee that you won’t have a crisis on social media. But if one ever arises, LinkedIn ads visibility will help you deal with it more quickly and effectively. You can use it to share immediate action items to campaign owners, pause campaigns, or remove specific ad content — once again, all without leaving the platform.

Efficiency: measure LinkedIn advertising performance alongside other channels to break down silos

Efficiency in social media marketing is key for long term success, especially for organizations operating at scale. Khoros Marketing has added several features that improve efficiency in our Autumn Launch, and LinkedIn ads visibility is no exception. With this new capability, you can assign specific roles to stakeholders to provide them with the specific native access they require, without leaving the platform. These roles can be easily assigned and reassigned, all within Khoros Marketing.

Another major benefit in terms of efficiency is the ability to repurpose organic workflows and apply them to paid LinkedIn campaigns without any need for reconfiguration. With LinkedIn ads visibility, there’s no need to set up brand new workflows for paid campaigns; simply use the same structure you’ve already created in your organic campaigns. This will save your LinkedIn marketing team setup time, and also ensure that approval paths and labeling can be consistent across your organic and paid efforts.

Bulk adding labels in Khoros Marketing
Bulk adding labels in Khoros Marketing

Of course, one of the most important improvements in efficiency comes in the ability to combine and view paid performance across multiple ad accounts on multiple channels, instead of siloing this valuable information within the LinkedIn Campaign Manager. With all paid analytics in one place, you can significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to view top-line metrics or pull specific data exports for your reporting needs.

Tracking LinkedIn metrics in Khoros Marketing
Tracking LinkedIn metrics in Khoros Marketing

Insights: LinkedIn analytics and metrics to ensure performance

All the data in the world won’t help if you don’t know what to do, and how to improve, with it. Khoros Marketing allows you to view paid and organic LinkedIn metrics side-by-side to quickly identify what is and isn’t performing well. LinkedIn ads visibility can also help you improve your organic content. With it, you can perform quick and easy A/B tests of creative, copy, CTAs, audiences, and more to apply these learnings to your organic content.

“LinkedIn is such an important social network to our customers, and we’re thrilled to be bringing a simplified way to get even more value from the channel within our Khoros Marketing platform. This additional functionality gives our customers exactly what they need to keep their LinkedIn ads on-brand, on-message, and in-budget, while also maximizing efficiency and performance.” — Dianni Ortegon, Product Manager, Ads Capabilities at Khoros

Also helpful is the ability to view paid data from LinkedIn side-by-side with data from other social media channels, including Facebook and Instagram. Khoros Marketing enables an apples-to-apples comparison by bringing in metrics on each platform — and allowing you to custom define metrics to help normalize results if measurements vary from platform to platform.

Tracking Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn metrics, all in one place
Tracking Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn metrics, all in one place

LinkedIn insights for the enterprise brand

With LinkedIn ads visibility in the Khoros Marketing platform, you can take your paid content and strategy to the next level. If you’re new to LinkedIn Marketing Solutions, and not sure how to take that next step in your marketing strategy, the best thing for you might be a partner with years of experience in the space. Check out what Khoros Strategic Services has to offer today.

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