
From data to insight: Building a 360-degree customer view

Khoros Staff

Imagine trying to navigate a bustling city without a map or GPS. You might know your starting point and destination, but the journey would be full of uncertainties and missed opportunities. Now, imagine having a detailed map that not only shows every street and landmark but also provides real-time updates on traffic and events. This comprehensive city view mirrors what a 360-degree customer view offers businesses.

A 360-degree customer view integrates data from all customer touchpoints — such as purchase history, social media interactions, and support queries — into a single, unified profile. This holistic perspective allows businesses to understand their customers, predict their needs, and tailor interactions accordingly. 

“At Khoros, we believe that every component across systems, processes, and people should work together to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of a brand's customer engagement strategy.”

— Wendy Mikkelsen, Senior Product Marketing Director - Digital Contact Center

In this blog, we’ll explore the concept of a 360-degree customer view, its benefits and components, and how you can completely understand your customers. We'll also reveal how our premium CRM connector can help you create and leverage a 360-degree customer view to enhance your business strategy.

Understanding the 360-degree customer view

Why is it important?

Five core benefits:

  1. Holistic customer profiles. Consolidates all customer information into a single, accessible CRM profile, providing a comprehensive understanding of each customer and enhancing interaction efficiency.

  2. Predictive insights. Integrating and analyzing detailed customer data allows businesses to anticipate future behaviors and preferences, leading to more effective segmentation and targeted marketing strategies.

  3. Tailored interactions. With complete customer profiles, businesses can offer personalized interactions and customized offers.

  4. Better customer experience. A unified customer view prevents customers from repeating information, streamlines service interactions, and improves overall customer satisfaction.

  5. Cross-channel consistency. Seamlessly manage conversations across various channels, support data-driven decisions, and ensure consistent and coherent communication.

How does it enhance customer centricity?

A comprehensive understanding of the customer is essential for a truly customer-focused approach. Integrating information from various touchpoints — including CRM systems, social media, support tickets, and purchase histories — helps create a unified profile that uncovers customer preferences, behaviors, and challenges.

Consider a customer who frequently looks at eco-friendly products without making a purchase. Sending personalized offers and updates about sustainable products becomes possible. When they seek support, an awareness of their preferences ensures you can offer tailored solutions, enhancing their experience.

This holistic perspective enables businesses to anticipate customer needs, proactively address concerns, and deliver personalized interactions.

“Transform reactive customer service into personalized and proactive engagement to foster satisfaction and loyalty. Proactive engagement offers the added benefit of reducing contact center volume, by solving customer problems before they become a spike on your inbound channels.”

— Wendy Mikkelsen, Senior Product Marketing Director - Digital Contact Center

How does it enhance customer centricity

Key components of a 360-degree customer view

1. Touchpoints and data integration. Blending CRM data with social media insights and other touchpoints helps companies understand customer discussions about their brand online. This comprehensive integration allows service agents and marketing teams to deliver more personalized and relevant messaging.With a unified customer view, agents can access comprehensive details about previous interactions, preferences, transaction records, and current sentiments. This allows them to address issues more effectively, anticipate needs, and offer tailored solutions.

Various sources of 360-degree data include:

  • voice transcripts

  • emails

  • chatbot conversation history

  • social media interactions

  • RCS message history

  • online community membership status

2. Contextual insights. You must dig deeper than just knowing what your customers are doing; it’s about understanding why they’re doing it. When you examine data through the lens of customer behaviors and interactions, you can uncover powerful insights that lead to smarter decision-making.

3. Real-time updates. Maintaining an accurate and up-to-date customer profile is non-negotiable, and making real-time data updates is critical to achieving this. This immediacy allows your teams to respond swiftly to changing needs and preferences, providing timely and relevant communication.

    For instance, if a customer’s contact details or preferences change, real-time updates ensure that all channels reflect this new information, preventing communication errors and providing a frictionless customer experience.

    “In our fast-paced, multichannel environment, keeping your customer information fresh and relevant is not just an advantage; it’s essential for sustaining customer satisfaction and fostering long-term loyalty.”

      — Wendy Mikkelsen, Senior Product Marketing Director - Digital Contact Center

      Achieving a 360-degree customer view with CRM integration

      Capability Outcome
      Security Protect customer data from unauthorized access and breaches. Build trust with customers, ensure data protection, and comply with regulations.
      Control Manage and oversee all aspects of customer interactions and data handling. Improve decision-making, ensure consistency, and enable better governance.
      Workflows Streamline processes and reduce manual effort through optimized workflows and systems. Increase productivity, reduce operational costs, and accelerate response times.
      Automation Automate repetitive tasks and processes to eliminate duplicative work, such as messaging and data entry. Provide real-time updates and relevant data for better CX while saving resources, minimizing errors, and speeding up routine tasks for improved efficiency.
      Measurement Support tracking and analyzing performance metrics and outcomes. Deliver actionable insights and enable data-driven decisions to optimize customer engagement strategies.

      Premium CRM Connector

      3 core challenges in achieving a 360-degree customer view

      1. Data silos. Picture trying to assemble a puzzle with pieces scattered across different rooms. That's what managing customer data feels like when trapped in isolated systems. Data silos hinder your ability to build a complete customer profile, leaving gaps that can affect your customer interactions and strategies.

      2. Integration difficulties. Integrating data from various sources can be like trying to fit together incompatible puzzle pieces. The technical and logistical hurdles can be daunting— different formats, systems, and processes must align to create a seamless, comprehensive customer experience. Legacy systems can further complicate this process, making achieving interoperability and a unified view even harder.

      3. Data accuracy. Imagine using outdated maps for navigation. Incorrect data leads to poor decisions, which derail your customer engagement efforts and impact decision-making. You must have processes to ensure your data remains reliable and relevant.

      4. A robust knowledge base. A well-organized and continually updated knowledge management solution ensures that valuable insights are easily accessible and helps bridge the gap between fragmented data sources, making achieving a holistic customer view easier. Creating a 360-degree view of the customer is often useless if every system and team is using a different or outdated knowledge source.

      “Think — build bridges, not walls. The majority of businesses have inadvertently created customer data silos, with information spread across multiple systems. Lacking seamless and real-time access across an organization is often one of the most significant barriers to providing a consistent CX across all channels.”

      — Wendy Mikkelsen, Senior Product Marketing Director - Digital Contact Center

      Our AI-powered digital customer service software provides all the tools support teams need to design, scale, and continuously improve automated and human service interactions across digital, chat, social, voice, and other brand-owned channels. Our solution to achieving a 360-degree customer view compiles individual data from various touch points into a single view.

      Best practices for implementing a 360-degree customer view

      • Step 1: Define clear objectives
        • Set goals. Objectives could include improving customer satisfaction, increasing sales, or enhancing operational efficiency.

        • Align. Ensure your goals are aligned with your overall business strategy to drive meaningful outcomes.

      • Step 2: Explore and identify data sources
        • Audit. Review current data sources, including social media engagement data, emails, support tickets, CRM data, chat transcripts, knowledge bases, and transaction records.

        • Identify gaps. Determine if additional data sources should be included to complete the customer view.

      • Step 3: Choose the right technology provider
        • Evaluate solutions. Assess various technology providers to find one that fits your data integration and management needs.

        • Leverage expertise. Seek a provider like Khoros, who can streamline the process of creating a unified customer view with advanced tools and capabilities. Khoros has an out-of-the-box CRM connector at no additional charge and a premium CRM connector with added features to help you achieve and maintain a 360-degree customer view.

      • Step 4: Integrate engagement solutions with CRM
        • System integrations. Connect your customer engagement tools and contact center solutions with your CRM to consolidate all customer interactions into one platform.

        • Data synchronization. Ensure data flows seamlessly between systems to maintain an accurate and unified customer profile.

      Features Khoros Standard CRM Connector Khoros Premium CRM Connector
      Installation/Configuration Within Khoros Service and Salesforce CRM Within Khoros Service and Salesforce CRM
      CRM Contacts/Accounts
      CRM Cases
      Other CRM Objects
      Filter Conversations
      Respond to Conversations Only within Khoros Service Within Khoros Service and Salesforce CRM
      Autofill CRM Records
      Automation Rules
      Pricing Out of the box Additional fee
      • Step 5: Collect and organize data
        • Data collection. Implement processes for systematically collecting data from identified sources.

        • Data management. Structure and clean the data to ensure it is accurate and easily accessible. Use tagging and categorization for efficient management.

      • Step 6: Implement data governance, safety, and compliance
        • Ensure compliance. Define data management, access, and usage policies to ensure quality, security, and regulatory compliance. Use encryption and access controls to safeguard sensitive information.

        • Access management. Set up appropriate user permissions and access controls to prevent unauthorized access to integrated systems.

      • Step 7: Train your team
        • Provide and support. Equip your team with the knowledge and skills to use the new system effectively. Offer continuous support and resources to help them adapt to the new processes.

      • Step 8: Regularly update and review
        • Maintain data integrity. Continuous monitoring ensures that your customer profiles remain current and accurate.


      Imagine converting your CRM database into a powerful tool for understanding and connecting with your customers. In this blog, we explored how analyzing customer interactions, preferences, and feedback can help you create messages that truly resonate. We also discuss how integrating data sources can enhance your CRM, providing sharper insights and empowering your team to focus on meaningful engagement.

      Regularly updating your data ensures you're always one step ahead, transforming your database into a dynamic customer engagement engine. Consider these practices to transform your approach to personalized customer communication.

      How can Khoros help?

      Khoros Service is a solution that helps enterprise businesses scale their customer service operations quickly. It seamlessly blends synchronous and asynchronous modes of customer engagement. ​

      Our customer service software allows brands to serve customers on their digital channel of choice with unmatched operational insight to boost satisfaction and reduce costs. When you unify multiple channels in a single solution, you empower your agents with the ability to engage across all touchpoints, including but not limited to:

      • Messaging apps like WhatsApp, Apple Messages for Business, and Line

      • Social networks like Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn and WeChat

      • Review sites, like Google Play Store, iOS App Store, Yelp, and Trustpilot

      • Brand-owned channels, like web chat, in-app, Email, SMS, and Voice

      • Owned communities, forums, and knowledge bases

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