
7 proven tips to avoid content marketing mistakes

Lee Dussinger - Senior Content & Product Marketer at Opal

Best practices for creating mistake-free content

High-quality content is critical to how B2B and B2C brands go to market, engage with audiences, create opportunities, and nurture leads. That content could be social media, email, blogs, or whitepapers, but the unifying thread in any industry is that errors undermine the content’s effectiveness.

Publishing high-quality content helps brands better connect with their audiences and gain trust as thought leaders (it can potentially even boost sales). On the other hand, low-quality content littered with mistakes can sabotage efforts to deliver value to audiences.

Whether these mistakes are typos, inaccurate information, a bad content user experience, or boring, generic copy, brands must pay special attention to the content being delivered.

Solving the issues lies in identifying why they happen: Often, content creators and managers are busy juggling multiple projects simultaneously every day; the more overstretched they are, the greater the chances for content mistakes to occur.

But there’s good news! With the right strategies and MarTech tools at your disposal, you can not only avoid content mistakes but also improve overall content engagement.

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1. Use proofreading tools

A tool like Grammarly actively proofreads copy while you write. It can catch most simple typos and grammar goofs. However, this is just one element of mistake-free content.

Many predicted ChatGPT would be the end of the content writer, but we like to think of it more as a helpful co-pilot in the writing process. It can help you ensure your writing takes on the right tone you want to convey, and be a good proofreader as well.

2. Use another editor

While proofreading point solutions are a good first step, you should always have another person read what you wrote before you share it with the market — especially if the work is powerful enough to impact your business. A quirk of being a writer is that it can be challenging to spot mistakes when proofreading your own content. It’s always beneficial to have another pair of human eyes look over your content with a fresh perspective.

3. Multiple reviewers for different content parts

For large and ambitious pieces of content (for example, ebooks and whitepapers), enlist the help of more than one reviewer. Have someone review grammar and technical writing features while another evaluates the content for accuracy and compliance (depending on your industry). This enables multiple people to look at the content through the lens of their specialty to achieve the best content.

4. Automate your reviews

Automating workflows is one of the best ways to ensure you always get the best content review you need. This way, human error is never the reason for a missed key review if everything moves quickly. A content planning tool like Opal provides automatic workflows to ensure that the right person is always tapped to provide their input on content before it can be pushed live.

5. Plan in advance

Error-free writing
Opal includes dedicated spaces for creating, saving and sharing marketing briefs, campaign templates, presentations, and more.

One of the biggest reasons content errors happen is when people rush to proofread something minutes before it goes live. This can be avoided simply by planning in advance. For example, Opal supports this process by providing places for marketing briefs and campaign templates to ensure enough time for proofing in the schedule before publishing.

6. Automate busywork

As the introduction mentions, content marketers often make mistakes because they are too busy. While you can’t (and wouldn’t want to) reduce the amount of impact-driving work you do, you can optimize to buy back time. Solid content planning tools, like Opal, offer a variety of features like auto-build marketing decks that make the once-time-consuming process of building presentations effortless.

7. Direct publishing

Copying and pasting content from a document into a social media platform can lead to errors. Even if your content is flawlessly edited, something as simple as the cursor slipping when copying it to the publishing platform could diminish your effort.

Platforms that enable automatic social scheduling and publishing can provide needed value. A leader in the social scheduling space, Khoros allows you to click a single button and prep a piece of content for publication to different social channels. Khoros also integrates with Opal to ensure planned content gets pushed to your publishing solution automatically, reducing the risk of mistakes by automating manual work, and saving time in the process.

Conclusion: The right MarTech stack

A robust tech stack is crucial to producing error-free content—just as much as efficient processes. Marketers agree that the right tools can transform the organization's work and improve every facet of the content production lifecycle.

Ultimately, your job as a content professional is to create high-quality, compelling content your audience loves. These messages drive the business impact your organization needs, and producing error-free content is critical to that success.

This guest post came from our partner Opal, a marketing platform that countless brands – like Target, Starbucks, and GM – trust as their marketing source of truth. Since content is at the center of their platform, they understand the many successful strategies that some of the world's best content producers use.

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