Snack Breaks & Hot Takes: Challenges of managing CX for an enterprise brand

Learn how to spot and solve the biggest CX challenges that enterprise marketers face today.

Snack Breaks & Hot Takes

Got half an hour? Taking a snack break? Get an insight from an expert

Snack Breaks & Hot Takes is a digital series of conversations with experts in customer experience, brand owned communities, and digital contact centers. Running only thirty minutes, these bite-sized sessions are the perfect length to grab a snack on Khoros through Uber Eats, gain valuable insights from leading experts, and ask questions in the event chat.

Ready to learn? We’re going over the biggest challenges for enterprise CX

In our latest Snack Breaks & Hot Takes session, we’re joined by Opal CEO George Huff to discuss the most significant speed bumps and road blocks for enterprise brands’ CX programs. We’re especially interested in CX from the perspective of the enterprise marketer: what is CX to the marketer, and why should they care? How can marketers solve the biggest challenges in the customer journey with clearer internal communication? Join us today to learn all this and more from a leading CX expert.

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