Community's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance support enables you to view, edit, and delete personal data for a user and to close a user account via the Community API v2.
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Search Community data using Khoros' LiQL query language or in JSON-based requests. Create queries to request Community object fields filtered by constraints and sorted in a defined order.
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Messages are the backbone of any community. The Khoros Community Messages API provides your basic create, retrieve, update, and delete capabilities, but also supports adding and manipulating message metadata like labels, tags, product associations, attachments, and ratings.
The Messages API supports all discussion styles supported in the Communities UI (forums, knowledge bases, Q&A boards, contests, ideas, reviews, blogs, and events). Flag messages for spam quarantine and moderation, give and revoke kudos, mark/unmark a message as a solution, and retrieve messages based on state, such as answered/unanswered or solved/unsolved, read/unread. You can also feature message threads and float specific topics to the top of messages lists in the community as well as set and unset message topics as read-only. Additionally, you can move messages between boards in the community and apply message ratings.
Our Content Archive API enables moving messages into the content archive to retire stale content or content that is no longer relevant to your community and brand.
The Khoros Community Albums and Images APIs provides endpoints to create albums to contain images. You can create, update, and delete images, as well as add and remove metadata like kudos and flag images for moderation and spam quarantine.
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With the Subscriptions API, subscribe and unsubscribe users to messages, threads, boards, categories, group hubs, products, labels.
With our Message and User Event subscription API, build services that enable you to act based on events that happen in the Community like user sign ins and sign outs, and message creation, update, and deletion.
(Use our Occasions API when working with the Khoros Communities Events feature to work with community-hosted activities like seminars, meet-ups, and conferences.)
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Our Group Hubs API enables you to create, retrieve, update, and delete group hubs to provide shared spaces within your community where groups of users can engage with each other in open, closed, or private environments.
Use the Membership API to add and remove users from a group hub, send invitations and requests to join, and approve or deny those requests.
Our Roles API enables you to assign group hub roles to group hub members and owners.
Using the Private Messages API, you can create, read, update, and delete private message threads between community members. Mark messages as read and unread and flag messages as inappropriate on behalf of community users.
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With the Occasions API, create community-hosted events, send invitations to events and manage RSVPs.
Khoros Community Products, Product Ratings, and Product Reviews API use data from your product catalog imported with our Product Import API and XML schemas. After import you can build product pages within the community with built-in review and rating features, syndicate product conversations on the community in product pages in your e-commerce site, and associate product metadata with message topics and replies.
If messages are the backbone of your community, then customers are its lifeblood. With the User API, you can create, retrieve, update, and delete user accounts; retrieve member’s profile details, roles, logins, kudos received and solutions authored; and registration status; and retrieve posts (topics, replies, comments, and solutions) authored by users. The API enables you to retrieve and manipulate user actions like giving kudos and accepting solutions, as well as revoke those actions on behalf of the user.
On the back-end, you can retrieve and set user settings and build address books of community contacts, ignore lists to block private message communication where needed, and retrieve community notification events like receiving a kudo on a post or a reply to a question.
To understand your community audience better, the User API enables you to retrieve users' online and registration status, last and number of visits, and profile changes.
Khoros Communities enables you to incentivize community users with ranks and gamification. With the API, retrieve a user's ranks and badges, revoke or reassign badges, and retrieve rank and badge information from the Community database.
Endpoints on our Community API let you build your entire community structure. With our Node APIs you can set and retrieve node settings, retrieve a node's children, ancestors, threads, topics, replies, and solutions, and retrieve leaderboards, labels, and tags applied to the node.
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