Aurora upgrade

Customer’s (“You” or “Your”) upgrade to Aurora is subject to the below terms and conditions, in addition to the terms and conditions as prescribed in Your applicable Master Services Agreement (“MSA”) between You and Khoros (“Us”) and the associated Service Order(s) (“SO”) and/or Statement(s) of Work (“SOW”).

Terms and Conditions:

1. Once You choose to upgrade your Khoros Community platform to Aurora, the upgrade is irreversible once completed.

2. Unless otherwise noted by Us, the Aurora upgrade will affect Your “staging” environment. This upgrade is a self-service upgrade, unless You enter into a separate SO/SOW to purchase and/or license Khoros’ Professional Services for the upgrade process. You will be responsible for the implementation of any required setting options and/or any administrative changes before finalizing the upgrade.

3. Once changes in the “staging” environment are completed, Your provisioned “production” environment will undergo an upgrade process which will modify certain content and features. During this process, there may be associated downtime.

4. You may experience a reduction or loss of features and functionalities from Your prior Khoros Community platform when You upgrade to Aurora. If these features and functionalities are a part of Your MSA or SO and/or SOW with Us, You acknowledge and agree that these features will not be available to You unless and until they are reimplemented by Us in Aurora.

5. You expressly agree that Your upgrade to Aurora will not entitle You to any refund, termination right, credit, or compensation due to downtime, feature limitations, feature or functionality loss, or any other limitations in the upgrade process.

6. Except as expressly provided herein, all terms and conditions of the MSA between You and Us and any related SO and/or SOW shall remain in full force and effect and nothing in these terms and conditions shall be deemed to waive or modify any provisions of the MSA or related SO and/or SOW.