Khoros + SearchUnify

Make your Community a one-stop shop for content discovery with SearchUnify.


Help content is often scattered across multiple platforms. The best answer to a question might be in your Community, an online tutorial, or a document portal. SearchUnify helps customers quickly and easily locate the best content, regardless of location.

Searchunify khoros content engagement

Find the best answer in your Community, even if it’s outside your Community

SearchUnify’s unified cognitive platform allows users to search any and all content repositories you choose—from knowledge bases and blogs to product manuals and support sites—all from a single search console within your Community.

Improve self-service with AI-powered relevance

SearchUnify’s AI-powered algorithms continuously learn from user behavior to display the most relevant results first, allowing users to more quickly and easily find the best answers to their questions.

Khoros searchunify content
Khoros searchunify

Drive engagement with personalized results

Take personalization to the next level with tailored results & recommendations based on the user’s role, access permissions, behavior & interests.

Alteryx fuels engagement with Khoros and SearchUnify

See how Alteryx, a global leader in analytic process automation, integrated SearchUnify into their Khoros community to drive increases in engagement, self-service success, and membership growth.

Searchunify khoros partnership
Ready for more? Experience the power of SearchUnify’s unified cognitive platform in action.