How to level up your community engagement at every stage

Why we made this tip sheet

In this tip sheet, we’ll give you a high-level overview of engagement within online brand communities. Engagement is a broad term; it can mean anything from simply clicking within the community to achieving the elite “superuser” status. We gathered our best tips across dozens of blogs and white papers, built from billions of interactions with the world’s largest brands, into this tip sheet to help you develop effective engagement strategies for your online brand community.

Who this tip sheet is for

Anyone who’s looking to increase engagement in and drive conversions and retention through an online brand community can benefit from reading this tip sheet. This includes in-house digital marketers, sales representatives, account managers, and even executives for enterprises.

If you want to increase digital engagement but you don’t yet have an online community, click here to learn about Khoros Communities.

What you’ll learn in this tip sheet

In this tip sheet we’ll recommend strategies for:

  • Getting existing customers to help you convert leads.
  • Leveraging your community to boost SEO metrics on your website.
  • Using a level-up strategy to create elite “super-engagers”.
  • Implementing gamification to motivate your most active fans and bring new ones into the fold.
Download the tip sheet

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