Customer engagement during COVID-19

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Why we made this tip sheet

COVID-19 has introduced unprecedented challenges for most brands. Customer engagement, marketing, and support are all more difficult during this time, so we made this tip sheet with useful information to help brands overcome these obstacles.

Who this tip sheet is for

Anyone who’s looking to improve their in-crisis customer engagement through online brand communities, customer service, or messaging on social media benefit from reading this tip sheet. This includes in-house digital marketers, sales representatives, account managers, and even executives for enterprises.

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What you will learn from this tip sheet

In this tip sheet we’ll recommend strategies for:

  • Keeping content both relevant and sensitive to the crisis.
  • Setting and communicating expectations for customer service.
  • Creating a safe environment for customers to communicate — both with you and with each other.
  • Identifying and empowering your most loyal customers to help you manage the challenges of COVID-19.

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