Snack Breaks & Hot Takes: What’s next for communities

Learn what’s next for one of the most exciting customer engagement spaces available today.

Snack Breaks & Hot Takes

Got half an hour? Taking a snack break? Get an insight from an expert

Snack Breaks & Hot Takes is a digital series of conversations with experts in customer experience, brand owned communities, and digital contact centers. Running only thirty minutes, these bite-sized sessions are the perfect length to grab a snack on Khoros through Uber Eats, gain valuable insights from leading experts, and ask questions in the event chat.

Grab a snack and sit back — we’re talking about the future of online communities

This time, we sit down with Chris Hemedinger, Head of Communities & User Groups at SAS, to discuss innovations and trends that are on the horizon for communities in 2022 and beyond. Communities have long taken advantage of features that social networks and other channels cannot: Gamification, customization, moderation, and many more. Learn what’s next in this exciting customer engagement space.

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