Q&A with Forrester on Digital Engagement

Why do 77% of brands struggle to incorporate new channels into their digital engagement strategy, and — with channels proliferating — what steps should brands be taking to make channel adoption easier? Download the Q&A with Forrester on Digital Engagement now to learn more.

The Challenge of Omnichannel Digital Engagement

Marketers consider channels in terms of advertising and engagement opportunities. Adding channels to your marketing mix significantly increases complexity which translates into higher costs beyond CPMs or CPCs. Marketing resources need to traverse a learning curve to understand everything from consumer behaviors on the new channel to new advertising formats. Analytics resources need to evaluate and cleanse reporting data which is often of varying levels of granularity which impact technology and measurement costs (and hinder ROI assessments). In a chicken and egg scenario, newer channels lack benchmark data that can help advertisers know when venturing into this new channel is worth it.

How Brands Can Improve Digital Engagement

The Q&A covers three concrete steps every brand should take to deliver seamless digital engagement experiences:

  • Follow the POST methodology. Forrester recommends that advertisers follow the POST framework when evaluating new channels (P:People, O: objectives, S: Strategy, T: Technology).
  • Assess channel readiness. Brands need to decide if new channels are worth the effort. Even if your prospects are on the channel and don’t mind interacting with you, that channel may not be ready for advertisers.
  • Practice agile marketing. The best way to add new channels is to test into them. The Agile marketing approach lowers the risk of improper channel expansion by creating more frequent feedback loops.

Download the Q&A now to learn these steps in detail and many other helpful insights to improve your brand’s digital engagement.

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